Faith Lutheran Church
810 Cedar Street,
At the corner of Cedar & Saginaw Streets
Clewiston, Florida 33440
Site Title
We warmly welcome all guests and visitors to joining us for worship in God’s House. It is indeed a privilege to be His guest and receive His blessings from His Holy Word and the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper! We welcome your questions and comments about our church and worship, and we invite you
to join us as often as possible.
Our Mission
To willingly and expectantly fulfill the Great Commission and the Great
Commandment by:
- Reaching up in worship of God,
- Reaching down in service to others,
- Reaching into God’s Word to grow as disciples,
- Reaching around in fellowship in the Body of Christ
- Reaching out with the Good News of Jesus Christ
Worship Service now begins at 11:00.
Upcoming Dates for Worship. Come and worship with us! We'd love to have you join us!
2/14...Ash Wednesday.........5:15PM Soup and Salad Dinner,
6:00PM Worship Service
2/18...Council Meeting after 11:00AM Worship Service
2/21, 28 and 3/6,13, 20, 27...Lenten Services....
5:15PM Soup and Salad Dinner,
6:00PM Worship Service
3/28.....Maundy Thursday....6:00PM Worship Service
3/29.....Good Friday.............6:00PM Worship Service
3/31.....Easter Sunday.........10:00AM...Brunch
11:00AM....Worship Service
Egg Hunt after the Worship Service